PowerPlay Arena
Your Deals ( 0 )
Deals from Other Credit Cards (3)
Prime Credit
Expiry Date: 2025-01-31
Complimentary 1,800 e-tokens upon reload up to HK$1500 (Original Price: HK$1,500 = 1,500 E-Tokens)
1. 特選商戶禮遇之優惠詳情請向個別商戶查詢 。如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 。有關商戶保留最終決定權,安信及 D2 Place 概不會承擔任何責任。
1. 於推廣期内,客戶以合資格信用卡於D2 Place單日累積合資格簽賬滿HK$400或以上(「累積簽賬」),並登記成為HAPI CLUB by D2 Place會員,即可獲贈CGV 電影贈券1張及CGV 餐兌換券(中) (包括一杯中杯汽水及一份46盎司爆谷) 1張(「獎賞」)。
2. 客戶必須符合累積簽賬以同一張合資格信用卡的不多於2張即日不同D2 Place商戶的簽賬存根換領獎賞,而每張簽賬存根金額必須為HK$50或以上。
3. 每張合資格信用卡於整個推廣期內每日最多可換領獎賞1次。如同一張合資格信用卡於同一日内換領獎賞多於1次,安信保留於2025年4月份或之前從相關的合資格信用卡賬戶内直接扣除客戶額外換領獎賞的等值金額的權利而不作另行通知。
4. 整個推廣期內,於D2 Place可換領獎賞之名額為1,500個。所有獎賞數量有限,先到先得,換完即止。
5. 以上優惠受有關條款及細則約束。
1. 特選商戶優惠推廣期為 2024年11月11日至2025年1月31日(包括首尾兩日)(「推廣期」)。
2. 特選商戶優惠只適用於 D2 Place內指定參與商戶(「特選商戶」)。有關特選商戶優惠詳情,請查閲安信網頁(https://www.wewacard.com/d2place-promotion) 。
3. 客戶須於購物前/點菜前/預約前/付賬前向特選商戶出示並以合資格信用卡簽賬方可享用優惠。
4. 特選商戶優惠受特選商戶的個別條款及細則約束,詳情請向有關特選商戶查詢。
5. 優惠及贈品數量有限,送完即止。
1. 「D2 Place購物優惠」(「本推廣」)只適用於持有有效之安信信貸有限公司(「安信」)發出的有效之EarnMORE信用卡或WeWa信用卡(「合資格信用卡」)之持卡人(「客戶」)。
2. 本推廣之推廣期為2024年11月11日至2025年1月31日(包括首尾兩日)(「推廣期」)。
3. 客戶必須以合資格信用卡於D2 Place内之參與商戶(「參與商戶」)簽賬方可享本推廣。
4. 除特別註明外,本推廣不可與其他優惠、折扣、優惠券或現金券同時使用,亦不可兌換現金、其他商品或折扣,亦不得轉讓。
5. 安信、D2 Place及參與商戶保留隨時修改條款及細則、更改或終止本推廣之權利而無須作出任何事前通知。安信、D2 Place及參與商戶對於任何優惠的更改或終止恕不承擔任何責任。如參與商戶於推廣期内結業,有關優惠將會即時終止而無須另行通知。安信及D2 Place概不會承擔任何責任。
6. 客戶明白並接納所有圖片、產品、贈品及服務的價值、資料、供應及説明均由參與商戶提供及只供參考,安信及D2 Place概不承擔任何責任。所有與產品及/或服務之相關責任(包括但不限於其質素及供應量)均由參與商戶獨自承擔。
7. 除客戶、安信、D2 Place及參與商戶外,任何人均無權根據香港法例第 623 章《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條款或享有任何條款中的利益。
8. 如有任何爭議,安信、D2 Place及參與商戶保留最終決定權。
9. 如本條款及細則之中、英文版本有任何歧義,概以英文版本為準。
1. 推廣期由2024年1月1日至2024年12月31日(包括首尾兩日)。個別商戶的推廣期將有所不同,詳情請參閱商戶優惠一般條款及細則。
2. 持卡人須於點菜前/預約時/惠顧前(如適用)出示合資格之安信信用卡 ,並以該卡簽賬付款方可享優惠。
3. 全年商戶優惠可能不適用於公眾假期及節日(前夕及正日)及商戶不時指定之其他日子,詳情請向有關參與商戶查詢。
4. 全年商戶優惠須視乎供應情況而定。如有任何更改,將以惠顧時之優惠詳情為準。
5. 全年商戶優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用,亦不可兌換現金、其他貨品及不可轉讓。
6. 所有貨品資料、價目及圖片只供參考。
7. 除此宣傳品所含之條款及細則外,全年商戶優惠亦須受有關商戶的其他條款約束,詳情請參考個別優惠及推廣或向有關商戶查詢。
8. 商戶有權更改有關優惠推廣之期限,安信信貸有限公司(「安信」)概不承擔任何有關是項更改的責任,亦恕不另行通知客戶。
9. 如有參與商戶停止營業,該參與商戶所提供之優惠將會即時終止。
10. 安信對商戶提供的食品、產品或服務質素概不承擔任何責任及賠償,商戶將負上所有食品、產品及服務的法律責任。
11. 安信及商戶保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消有關優惠及/或修訂其條款及細則的酌情權。
12. 安信及商戶對所有推廣及優惠事宜與及爭議保留最終決定權。
Applicable Cards
Expiry Date: 2024-12-31
1,800 complimentary E-tokens upon top-up worth HK$1,500 (original price: HK$1,500=1,500 E-tokens)
- Link: https://www.pp-arena.com/
1. A membership card is needed for top up. The deposit fee for new of membership card is HK$20.
2. Additional 300 E-token are not applicable to Happy Rainbow, Gacha Machines and Booth Games.
3. Deposited E-token are non-refundable.
General Terms & Conditions:
1. Unless otherwise specified, the promotion period is from January 1 to December 31, 2024 (both dates inclusive).
2. Unless otherwise specified, the promotion applies to cardholders of Citi Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Commercial Cards issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited and other Citi entities ("Citibank") ("Eligible Cards") ("Cardholders"). The merchant may reject an Eligible Card if their payment system cannot handle some of the Eligible Card type, please contact the respective merchant for details.
3. Unless otherwise specified, Cardholders are required to state their intention to enjoy the offer(s) to the respective merchant prior to payment and settle the whole payment by respective Eligible Cards in order to enjoy the offer(s) from the respective merchant.
4. Unless otherwise specified, Cardholders are required to input designated promo code prior to payment (if applicable) and settle the whole payment by respective Eligible Cards in order to enjoy the offer(s) from the respective merchant.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the offers cannot be used in conjunction with other special promotions, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers.
6. Availability of the offers is subject to offer or service availability, account status checking and final acceptance by Citibank and the respective merchants' absolute discretion. Photos, product specifications and prices are for reference only.
7. Citibank shall not be responsible for any matters in relation to the related products or services. The respective merchants are solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to such products or services and all auxiliary services.
8. Citibank and the respective merchants reserve the right to amend the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
9. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of Citibank and the respective merchants.
10. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
11. Other Terms and Conditions apply, please inquire the details with the respective merchants.
Applicable Cards
Expiry Date: 2024-12-31
HK$1,500 for 1,800 E-token (usual retail price: HK$1,500 for 1,500 E-token)
1. A membership card is needed for top up. The deposit fee for new of membership card is HK$20.
2. Additional 300 E-token is not applicable to Happy Rainbow, Gacha Machines and Booth Games.
3. Deposit E-token are non-refundable.
General Terms and Conditions for HSBC Credit Card Red Hot Year-round Offers
When can you enjoy the offer
1. The promotional period is from 1 January to 31 December 2024.
What is the offer
2. Year-round offers
a. During the promotional period, you can enjoy dining or shopping offers of up to 10% off at Participating Merchants with your Eligible Credit Card.
3. Birthday offers:
a. You can enjoy birthday offers once during your birthday month. You are required to state the offer redemption in advance and pay for the transaction conducted at the selected hotels/restaurants with the designated Eligible Credit Card in order to enjoy the birthday offers.
How can you enjoy the offer
4. You can enjoy the offer during the promotional period if you:
a. hold an Eligible Credit Card and your credit card account is valid and in good standing;
b. make a three-day advance reservation to enjoy the birthday offers (unless otherwise specified). Please check with the Participating Merchants for details; and
c. to enjoy the birthday offers, Participating Merchants may ask you to present proof of identity for birthday month verification. Any collection of such personal data will be in accordance with the Participating Merchant's terms and conditions. We accept no liability in respect of the Participating Merchant's collection of the personal data.
5. You cannot:
a. transfer the offer or exchange it for cash or other products, services or discounts; and
b. use the offer in conjunction with other promotional programmes, offers, discounts, coupons, membership benefits or VIP privileges (unless otherwise specified). You may check with the Participating Merchants for details.
Read before you enjoy the offer
6. The offers are applicable to your HSBC UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card only at outlets accepting it for payment.
7. Designated offers are applicable exclusively to designated card type(s) only. Please refer to individual offers for details of applicable card type(s).
8. The offers are applicable to regular priced items only and are not applicable to other discounted items, special/promotional offers, fixed price items, special promotional menu, guest chef promotions, cigarettes/cigars/tobacco, bottled wine, liquor, spirit, private functions, banquets, weddings, meetings/conferences, catering services, room service, ticket sales events, coupons, cash vouchers, complimentary valet parking, bonus point programme, any mileage programmes, sales merchandise, VIP/private rooms, any booked services before the promotional period and VIP/membership benefits (unless otherwise specified). Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
9. The dining offers are only applicable to food bills (unless otherwise specified) and dine-in consumption only. Discounts on the beverage bills are only applicable to specific merchants. Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
10. The dining offers in hotels are only applicable to 2-12 persons (unless otherwise specified). Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
11. The maximum number of diners per table will be subject to the rules and regulation announced by the Government and the respective merchants.
12. The dining offers are not applicable to service charge, and any charge for tea and condiments (unless otherwise specified). Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
13. You must be one of the patrons. Advance booking by stating a redemption of the offers is required. You may have to present the Card prior to enjoying the offers. Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
14. In addition to those black-out dates that may be imposed by individual merchant, the dining offers are not valid on general holidays (including Sundays) in Hong Kong, eve of general holidays (excluding Saturdays), festive days, eves of festive days, days with an open firework display, days where tickets are required for entry to the venue and black-out dates as specified by merchants. Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
15. The offers shall be terminated immediately upon closure of the outlets or business shutdown.
16. In case of renovation in any of the outlets of the Participating Merchants, no offers will be available. Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
17. The offers are subject to additional terms and conditions set out by the merchants. Please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
18. Prices and products/services/offers/food/beverages/menu descriptions are provided by the Participating Merchants and are for reference only. You understand and accept that we are not the supplier of such products/services/offers/food/beverages/menu purchased and you should refer to the Participating Merchants for details. We accept no liability for the quality of products/services/food/beverages provided by the Participating Merchants.
19. All products and services relating to the promotion are available while stocks last. They are directly supplied by the Participating Merchants or third-party suppliers, and we accept no liability for their quality.
20. The use of the birthday offer will be subject to terms and conditions, please check with the Participating Merchants for details.
21. These terms and conditions and other terms and conditions of the Eligible Credit Card and the Participating Merchants will apply. We and the Participating Merchants reserve the right to vary or cancel the offer, or amend the terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice. Please refer to our website for the latest details, availability and terms and conditions of the offer.
22. If we or the Participating Merchants believe that you have acted in a fraudulent or abusive manner, you will not be able to enjoy the offer.
23. In case of disputes arising out of this promotion, the decision of the Participating Merchants and/or us shall be final and conclusive.
24. We write the terms and conditions of the offer under Hong Kong laws. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of the promotional materials and these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
What these terms mean
25. 'Eligible Credit Card' refers to any HSBC Personal and Business credit cards (excluding Purchasing Card and Private Label Card) issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Hong Kong (and its successors and assigns).
26. 'Participating Merchant' refers to respective merchants which offering year-round offer and/or Birthday offer for HSBC Credit Cardholder.
Applicable Cards